拼音:diàn lán英文解釋:
indigotin; thumb blue【化】 indigo; indigotin
【醫】 indigo; indigo blue; indigotin
(1).深藍色有機染料。本用蓼藍葉發酵製成,我國曾長期廣泛套用。十九世紀末起用人... >>查看“靛藍”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.indigocarmine 2.indigo中英例句:
- 假藍靛靛藍植物或從這種植物中提取的藍色染料The indigo plant or the blue dye obtained from it.
- 這件傳統服裝是靛藍色的。This traditional costume is of indigo blue.
- 南美或西印度群島的一種灌木,靛藍染料的原料。shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of indigo dye.
- 靛藍胭脂紅(IC)的光譜電化學研究Spectroelectrochemical Study on Indigo Carmine
- 南美或西印度群島的一種灌木,靛藍染料的原料。shrub of West Indies and South America that is a source of indigo dye
- 繁星在靛藍色的天空閃爍著。A great many stars were shining in the indigo blue sky