拼音:diǎn jiàng 英文解釋:
name a person for a particular job中文解釋:
戲曲中主帥對將官點名分配任務,比喻叫出人名要他做什麼事 >>
查看“點將”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關對話:
- 太平洋時間今天下午三點將停機進行維護。
The project will be down for maintenance starting today at 3pm PST.
- 彈性的和積極肯乾的起點將真正的有助於你。
Flexibility and a willingness to start over will really help you
- 他所說的要點將被注意。
The point he spoke of will be attended to.
- 審查的焦點將集中在對安全問題的極度關切。
The probe would focus heavily on security concerns.
- 問:網路站點將被更新嗎?
Q: Will the website be updated?
- 你所講的那點將會受到人們的關注。
What you have talked will be given to attention by people.
- 彈性的和積極肯乾的起點將真正的有助於你。
Flexibility and a willingness to start over will really help you.
- 重點將特別放在網路和分散式計算上。
There will be a special emphasis on networks and distributed computing.