字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>點基的英文翻譯


拼音:diǎn jī


【計】 point basis


  1. 廣西地區人群冠心病、腦梗死的發生與EcoRI位點基因突變有關聯。
    CHD and CAI are associated with EcoRI mutation in population of Guangxi.
  2. 4 史詩的某些故事情節是在巫術觀點基礎上被創作出來的。
    4)some stories were based on magic ideas.
  3. 離家之前,他需要學點基本的烹飪技巧。
    Before he leaves home, he needs to learn some basic cookery.
  4. 調配函式可選為伯恩斯坦多項式、B樣條或多結點基數型樣條
    can be chosen Bernstein polynomials,B splines or many knot cardinal splines
  5. 結論:CFR與TMR藥物動力學特點基本一致.
    CONCLUSION :Pharmacokinetics of CFR and TMR are similar.
  6. 烷基多苷(APG)對濁點基本無影響;
    APG had lillte effect on the cloud point.
