拼音:diàn dòng shì英文翻譯
【計】 electromotive force【化】 electromotive force; emf
【醫】 E.M.F.; electromotive force
1.EMDP 2.EMF 3.electromotance 4.electrodynamicforce 5.electrodynamicpotential 6.generatedvoltage例句:
- 韋伯磁通量的國際單位,等於當磁通量在一秒鐘內被統一地減弱為零時在它聯接的一圈電路內產生一伏特電動勢時的磁通量The SI unit of magnetic flux equal to the magnetic flux that in linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of one volt as it is uniformly reduced to zero within one second.