拼音:dēng sī英文解釋:
filament; glower【電】 filament; filamentary cathode
微細的導體(如碳或金屬導體),電流通過時將呈現白熾狀態 >>查看“燈絲”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.filament-typecathode 2.electron-tubeheater 3.lampfilament 4.directlyheatedcathode 5.filamentarycathode相關對話:
- 愛迪生不相信碳可作燈絲用,所以一開始就用鉑合金作燈絲。Originally Edison used platinum alloys for the filament, in the belief that carbon was impracticable.
- 在小照明燈中,所有的空氣都從燈泡中抽出,形成真空,以防熾熱的燈絲被燒毀。In small lamps, all the air is pumped from the glass bulb, forming a vacuum, which prevents the white-hot filament from burning away.
- 三極體接法):中Mu小型燈絲結構。1U4 (triode connected): Medium MU small mass filamentary heating structure.
- 螢光燈中,電極是指發射或吸收電子的金屬燈絲。Metal filaments that emit electrodes in a fluorescent lamp
- 可靠性指標也將大大提高,由於不需要燈絲預熱,可實現放大鏈的瞬時開機。An S band "SSA+CFA" chain is experimentally studied in this paper.
- 低Mu氧化物覆膜燈絲結構。6B4G: Low MU Oxide Coated filamentary heating structure.
- 主要原因在於燈絲本身質量很輕。This is primarily caused by the lack of "infinite mass" of the filament.