拼音:dēng pào英文翻譯
bulb【電】 bulb; lamp bulb
1.electricbulb 2.bulb 3.lampglobe 4.lampbulb 5.carbonfilamentlamp例句:
- 這燈泡是向內側爆裂的。The light bulb imploded.
- 我已寫信訂購我在報紙廣告上看到的那種燈泡。I've sent off for those bulbs I saw advertised in the paper.
- 這燈泡不亮了。This light bulb has gone.
- 無罩燈泡發出耀眼的光。Light glared from the unshaded bulb.
- 電燈泡爆了,我們需要換一個。We will have to change the bulb; it's gone.
- 我可以很清楚地看到燈泡里的細絲斷了。I can see clearly that the filament in the bulb is broken.
- 那盞燈需要100瓦的燈泡。The lamp needs a 100-watt bulb.