字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>等價的英文翻譯 “等價”的日文翻譯


拼音:děng jià


equal in value; equipollence; equivalence
【計】 equifinality; equivalence
【醫】 equivalence


不同商品的價值或價格相等 >>查看“等價”在國語詞典中的解釋


1.equivalency  2.tantamount  3.parity  4.equivalent  5.ntamount  6.par  7.biconditional  8.equipollent  


  1. 錢,貨幣,紙幣一種商品,如金子或官方發行的鑄幣或紙幣,把這種貨幣或紙幣定為可與其他一切商品、如貨物和服務的等價交換物,並用作市場交換價值的尺度
    A commodity, such as gold, or an officially issued coin or paper note that is legally established as an exchangeable equivalent of all other commodities, such as goods and services, and is used as a measure of their comparative values on the market.
  2. 數字計算機藉此把高級語言編寫的程式中的指令翻譯成與其等價的機器語言程式的處理過程。
    The process whereby a digital computer translates the instructions of a program written in a high-level language into their machine language equivalents.
  3. 這兩種貨幣現已達到同等價值。
    The two currencies have now reached parity.
  4. 等價的、當量的具有同等的結合能力
    Having the same ability to combine.
  5. 初等abelian表代數幾個等價條件
    Some Equivalent Conditions of Elementary Abelian Table Algebra
  6. 關於實數的九個等價性命題
    On the Equivalence of Nme Propositions of the Real Numbers
  7. 等價觀測值理論進行導線網平差
    Balancing of Traverse Net According to the Theory of Equivalent Observation
  8. 記住,當你付出之後,必然會得到等價或更高價的東西。
    A positive mental attitude works both ways
