拼音:dēng gāo英文解釋:
ascend; uprise中文解釋:
上到高處。也特指重陽節登山的風俗登高壯觀天地間,大江茫茫去不還。—&... >>查看“登高”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
- 我永遠也當不了登山運動員,因為我不能登高。I could never be a mountaineer; I have no head for heights.
- 登高心跌重。From a great height, a great fall
- 要想在這家公司步步登高,就需要耍點手腕。You need to be a bit of a politician to succeed in this company
- 矮子上樓梯,步步登高。A dwarf going upstairs getting higher step by step
- 這座山的登高並不難。The ascent of the mountain was not difficult.
- 我們用登高來紀念這個節日。We mark the festival by going to mountain tops.