字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>等的的英文翻譯


拼音:děng de


【化】 uniform


  1. 擋住濺起的水或泥等的一種防護板。
    a panel to protect people from splashing water or mud etc..
  2. 用煙燻制魚肉等的一個小屋。
    a small building where smoke is used to cure meat or fish.
  3. 背離從標準或常規等的偏離
    A deviation, as from a standard or practice
  4. 請選寄幾種質量中等的樣品。
    A fair average sample is to be drawn and sent to us
  5. 在商業中贏得與最佳者平等的地位
    Has earned a place beside the best performers in the business
  6. 院長(校長,總裁或政府機關長官等的)職務,職權或任期
    The office, function, or term of a president
  7. 有兩條邊相等的三角形。
    a triangle with two equal sides
  8. 鑄造材料、耐火材料、染料、、電極糊等的原料。
    W:Coating in casting、referacetory materialdyeelectrode compound etc.
