拼音:dé gāo wàng zhòng英文解釋:
sainted; saintlike中文解釋:
道德高尚,聲望重。多稱頌年高而有名望的人 >>查看“德高望重”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 有著花白頭髮和鬍鬚的德高望重的智者。a venerable sage with white hair and beard
- 我們校長是個德高望重的人。The principal of our school is a man of honor and integrity.
- 我們校長是個德高望重的人。The principal of our school is a man of honor and integrity
- 我們都懷著敬畏之心傾聽著這位德高望重的學者的講話。We all listened to the venerable scholar with awe.
- 這位牧師在梵蒂岡地區德高望重。The priest held a senior post at the Vatican
- 在這村里,他老人家德高望重。The old man in the village is of noble character and high prestige.