拼音:dǎ zhuāng英文解釋:
piling; stake中文解釋:
把樁(用木、鋼或鋼筋混凝土製造的構件)打入地下,以支承垂直荷載、抵抗側向力或水或... >>查看“打樁”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.piledriving 2.pilling 3.pile 4.forepale 5.pilesinking 6.drivingpile 7.paling中英例句:
- 在地面上打樁的機器。a machine that drives piling into the ground
- 打樁打樁的行為The act of driving piles.
- 撞錘打樁的鐵錘The iron block of a pile driver
- 渤海近海平台的打樁分析Pile Driving Analysis of Bohai Offshore Platform
- 撞錘打樁的鐵錘The iron block of a pile driver.
- 水下打樁機有一個液壓錘。The marine pile driver has a hydraulic hammer
- 打樁機A pile driver