字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大約在的英文翻譯


拼音:dà yuē zài


【經】 around


  1. 大約在公元前1900年左右,開始出現衰落的跡象。
    Around 1900 BC, signs of a gradual decline begin to emerge.
  2. 大約在三月底見到他。
    It was just about the end of March when I saw him.
  3. 大約在車出站以後兩小時。
    About two hours out of the terminal.
  4. 大約在4月底,他的體溫,自然地降到攝氏37度。
    About the end of April, his temperature dropped to 37°C spontaneously.
  5. 價格大約在多少?
    How much would you like to spend?
  6. 預報員說漏斗雲大約在地面停留了幾分鐘。
    A forecaster says the funnel was on the ground for a matter of minutes
  7. 大約在一百年前天文學家夏帕雷里認為這是運河。
    100 years ago, the astronomer, Schiaparelli, thought it to be canals.
  8. 年齡大約在13~16歲的孩子稱為青少年。
    A boy or a girl at the age of about 13~16 is referred to as an adolescent
