拼音:dà yī英文翻譯
1.overgarment 2.outercoat 3.
greatcoat 例句:
- 那件大衣看來是絕對舊得穿不出去了。
That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
- 他穿著厚實的大衣以抵禦嚴寒。
He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.
- 我的大衣完全濕透了。
My overcoat is wet through.
- 我這件大衣請你照這個式樣裁剪。
Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.
- 他裹在大衣里。
He was muffled in a cloak.
- 天氣很暖和,我就把大衣脫了。
I took off my overcoat since it was warm.
- 大衣是季節性商品。
Overcoats are seasonal goods.
- 他雪天出門,裹著厚厚的圍巾,穿著暖和的大衣。
He walked out into the snow, heavily muffled up in a thick scarf and warm overcoat.
大衣的意思 .婦人的禮服。 宋 高承 《事物紀原·衣裘帶服·大衣》:“ 商 周 之代,內外命婦服諸翟。 唐 則裙襦大袖為禮衣。 開元 中,婦見舅姑,戴步搖,插翠釵,今大衣之制,蓋起於此。” 明 陶宗儀 《輟