拼音:dà xīng xīng 英文解釋:
最大的類人猿,生長在非洲密林中,高四、五尺,黑褐色,前肢比後肢長,能直立行走,腦... >>
查看“大猩猩”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
Gorillagorilla 相關對話:
- 在非洲大舞台上大猩猩有點象似是而非的雋語。
The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene.
- 當我站在她的屋外時,科科告訴我說:“冷不好,大猩猩討厭。
" Cold bad, Gorilla hate," Koko tells me, as I stand outside her caravan.
- 他們直接到靈長類動物區。漢娜感到一陣激動,好多大猩猩喔!
They went straight to the primates. Hannah was thrilled. So many gorillas!
- “猿人。”我的腦海中情不自禁地浮現出,一隻大猩猩在一幢大房子裡出沒的情景。
“The Simian.”I helped put that big ape in the Big House.
- 我們正在深入研究大猩猩的活動。
We are researching into the behavior of gorillas.
- 科科是學習手勢語的第一隻大猩猩。
Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language.