字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大顯身手的英文翻譯 “大顯身手”的日文翻譯


拼音:dà xiǎn shēn shǒu


distinguish oneself; strut one's stuff


身手,本領、才能。充分地顯示出自己的才能大群街溜子,二流子也都大顯身手。&mda... >>查看“大顯身手”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 現在英雄們真要大顯身手了!
    Now the heroes are ready to demonstrate their prowess!
  2. 羅布正在廚房大顯身手呢。
    Rob was in the kitchen cooking up a storm
  3. 媽媽正在廚房裡大顯身手呢。
    Mom is in the kitchen cooking up a storm.
  4. 大顯身手的時機到啦!
    Now's your chance to distinguish yourself.
  5. 你的新書中錯誤太多,會給評論家提供大顯身手的機會。
    Your new book is full of mistakes; the critics will have a field day!
  6. 媽媽正在廚房裡大顯身手呢。
    Mom is in the kitchen cooking up a storm
  7. 我讓那個新來的理髮師大顯身手,噍她卻為我做了這樣的髮式!
    I let that new hairdresser loose on my hair and look what she did!
