拼音:dǎ tōng 英文解釋:
get through; open up中文解釋:
在戲曲開演前敲打鑼鼓 >>
查看“打通”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
openingup 2.
knockthrough 漢語造句:
- 昨天我給你打了好幾次電話,但是都沒有打通。
I rang you several times yesterday but couldn't get through(to you).
- 她剛才打通電話告訴我們說,她九點一刻到了那兒。
She has just got through to inform us that she arrived there at9:15.
- 我給你打電話,但沒有打通。
I rang you but couldn't get through.
- 我到達那時必須先打通電話。
When I arrive there I must first make a phone call.
- 打通一條新的運輸線
open up a new transportation route
- 拍打通過手或扁平器具拍打塑造
To mold by tapping gently with the hands or a flat implement
- 我到達那時必須先打通電話。
When I arrive there I must first make a phone call
- 我幾次打電話給你, 都沒有打通。
I rang you several times but wasn't able to get through.