拼音:dà tíng 英文解釋:
【法】 curia magna中文解釋:
亦作“ 大廷 ”。1.外朝之廷。《逸周書·大匡》:“王乃召冢卿、三老、三吏、大... >>
查看“大庭”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 她想到要在大庭廣眾之中講話心裡就發毛
She quailed at the prospect of addressing such a large crowd
- 她過去習慣於在大庭廣眾之下發表講話。
She used to make a speech in public.
- 在他青少年時,他已經開始在大庭廣眾下表演。
By the time he was a teenager, he was performing in public
- 她不敢在大庭廣眾面前講話。
She is afraid to speak before a large audience.
- 在大庭廣眾面前
before a large audience; in public
- 大庭廣眾
a big crowd in an open space [a great hall]
- 我在大庭廣眾之前感到緊張。
I was nervous before crowds.
- 他在大庭廣眾中大出洋相。
He cut a poor figure on a public occasion.