拼音:dà qún英文翻譯
quiver; swarm
1.jumpbogroup 2.
troop 3.swarmof 4.
multitude 5.
quiver 6.
regiment 例句:
- 大群的歌迷一窩蜂地湧向音樂廳。
Hordes of fans had thronged on the concert hall.
- 發動了一大群助選員
Field an army of campaign workers.
- 一大群人聚集起來聽他布道。
A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
- 姑母哈麗特支配著一大群看不見的僕人,他們不停地刷洗、打掃和擦拭。
Aunt Harriet presided over an invisible army of servants that continuously scrubbed, cleaned, and published.
- 大群人聚集在展覽大廳的門口。
A multitude of people gathered at the gate of the exhibition hall.
大群的意思 大眾,
民眾。 康
有為 《大同書》戊部第一章:“何以成名譽而合大羣?何以充
職業而任師長?” 黃人 《<小說林>發刊詞》:“果專為大羣致公益,而非為小己謀私利,其小説之內容,果一一與標置者相仇否也?”