拼音:dǎ pò英文解釋:
break; discomfit; drub; knock out; smash【經】 breakdown
(1) (2) 物件受到突然或猛烈的一擊而出現缺口或裂為碎片或幾部分打破門扇。&... >>查看“打破”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.knockout(informal) 2.smite 3.smashin 4.discomfit 5.broken 6.broke 7.foiled 8.drub 9.frustration 10.break中英例句:
- 他們決定要打破傳統。They decided to break with (ie not observe) tradition.
- 她決心要打破陸上速度的世界紀錄She set out to break the world land speed record.
- 她想要打破世界紀錄,已接近成功。Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off.
- 他總算打破僵局。He managed to break the ice.
- 你知道誰打破了窗戶?Do you know who broke the window?
- 我們只能做些較小的讓步,但這就可能打破僵局。We can only make minor concessions, but it might break the deadlock.
- 前一代人製造出來的空洞理論,下一代人把它們打破。One generation blows bubbles, and the next breaks them.
- 我父母發現窗子被打破後,一定會有一番斥責。There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.