拼音:dǎo yán英文解釋:
introduction【法】 preamble
(1) (2) 導引雙方意見的話 (3) 書或論文等的為主題、主要部分提供預備性... >>查看“導言”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.preamble 2.preface相關對話:
- 美學的自覺——元美學研究導言The Consciousness of Aesthetics
- 提建議把作為導言或提議提出To present as an introduction or a proposal
- 序言尤指論文或演說的開始或導言部分A beginning or introductory part, especially of a speech or treatise.
- 序言尤指論文或演說的開始或導言部分A beginning or introductory part, especially of a speech or treatise
- 一篇報告的冗長的導言a long preamble of a report
- 全文共分導言、正文和結論3部分。The paper consists of 3 parts, introduction, the main text and conclusions.
- 提建議把作為導言或提議提出To present as an introduction or a proposal.