拼音:dǎo tái 英文解釋:
downfall; fall from power中文解釋:
下台(用以指政府或部門) >>
查看“倒台”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 工黨政府由於國內一此問題而倒台了。
The Labor Government went out on some domestic issues.
- 失去信任票可能使政府倒台。
Failure to win vote of confidence could bring down the government.
- 她想在他的公司最終倒台時親 臨現場.
She wants to be in at the kill when his business finally collapses
- 使政府倒台的醜聞
A scandal that tumbled the government
- 這一危機使政府倒台了。
This crisis led to the downfall of the government.
- 每個人都以為因為塔利班倒台得那么快 推翻它是件輕而易舉的事情
Everyone thinks because the Taliban fell fast, it was a cakewalk
- 政府倒台導致內戰爆發。
The fall of the Government resulted in civil war.