拼音:dǎo méi 英文解釋:
be down on one's luck; be lucked out; fall on evil days
常用於譴責或因痛苦而呼喊我倒霉!我無希望了 >>
查看“倒霉”在國語詞典中的解釋 例句:
- 蔑視法律者終要倒霉。
Those who bid defiance to the law will get into trouble.
- 那是倒霉的一天,似乎沒一件事順當。
It was one of those days when nothing seemed to go right.
- 我們在整個旅途中遇到的儘是倒霉事。
We were dogged by bad luck the whole journey.
- 近來我真倒霉,我的公司破產了。
I have been down on my luck lately my company went bankrupt.
- 他失業了,真倒霉.
Losing his job was rough (on him).
- 維爾瑪:她的對手那天一定倒霉透了。
Velma : Her opponent must have had a bad day
- 我人倒霉,比賽總是輸。
I always lose at games, with my bad luck.
- 他妻子拋棄了他,汽車也被偷走了,更加倒霉的是他工作也丟了!
His wife left him, his car was stolen, then to cap it all he lost his job!