拼音:dǎn xiǎo de英文解釋:
recreant; timid; chickenhearted; scary; timorous; tremulous相關詞條:
1.chickenlivered 2.chickenhearted 3.milk-livered 4.timorous 5.hen-hearted 6.harehearted 7.pigeonhearted 8.unmanly 9.white-livered 10.rabbity 11.chicken-livered 12.yellowbellied 13.chickeny 14.yellow 15.coward 16.henhearted相關對話:
- 缺乏自信;膽怯缺乏自信的性質或狀態;膽小的或羞怯的The quality or state of being diffident; timidity or shyness.
- 他是個膽小的逃兵。He is a craven deserter.
- 他是一個膽小的男孩,他不可能和任何人吵架。He is a timid boy; it's impossible for him to brawl with anyone.
- 最小的響聲也會嚇著這個膽小的孩子的。The least noise would startle the timid child.