拼音:dàn piàn 英文解釋:
炮彈、炸彈等的金屬彈體或彈頭在爆炸後產生的碎片 >>
查看“彈片”在國語詞典中的解釋 中英例句:
- 當子彈和彈片嗖嗖地從耳邊飛過時,她驚恐地從窗邊躲開。
She backed away from the window in great fear when bullets and shrapnel whistled past her ears.
- 炮彈的散布範圍榴霰彈片、炮彈碎片或短槍射擊在靶區的分布和散布面
The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun.
- 在法國北部某些地方,農民犁地時還常常翻出彈片和武器。
In parts of Northern France, farmers still plough up shell fragments and weapons.
- 後爆槍發射時,氣體或彈片的向後泄出
The backward escape of gases or cartridge fragments when a gun is fired.
- 一塊彈片嵌進牆壁里。
A shell splinter embedded itself in the wall
- 這是三年以前的事了,所以那裡沒有彈片或是什東西。
This was three years ago, so there was no shrapnel involved or anything.
- 雖在煙霧瀰漫,彈片橫飛之中,而我們還是鎮定不亂。
Amid all the fumes and hurtling missiles we kept our heads.