- “共和黨員們在市政廳搞了一場惡作劇。”“是嗎?”
"The Republicans have pulled a trick at City Hall." "Is that so?"
- 要積極地在優秀的教師中發展黨員。
We must make a point of recruiting outstanding teachers into the Party
- 共產黨員的條件
the requirements of the Party members
- 他被追認為中國共產黨黨員。
He was posthumously accepted as a member of the Communist Party of China
- 許多工黨黨員脫離了該黨。
A lot of members of the Labor Party have broken away
- 他的工作就是,假如在選票看來接近的情況下召集本黨黨員投票。
His job is to whip the members in if the vote looks being close.
- 這是對於黨員權利的有力的保障。
This is an effective guarantee of the rights of Party members.
- 黨內的不滿情緒將導致更多的黨員脫黨.
Discontent in the party will lead to further defections