拼音:dǎn guǎn英文解釋:
bile duct【醫】 bile vessel; biliary ducts; biliferous ducts; ductus felleus
gall ducts
輸送膽汁的管道。消化食物時,儲存在膽囊里的膽汁通過它流入十二指腸。 >>查看“膽管”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.biliarytract 2.biliaryduct 3.biliaryducts中英例句:
- 膽石病在膽囊或膽管中存在或形成膽石的現象The presence or formation of gallstones in the gallbladder or bile ducts.
- 肝外膽管癌23例臨床分析Extrahepatic Bile Duct Carcinoma:Clinical Analysis of 23 Cases
- 肝門膽管癌手術切除26例療效分析Excision of Proximal Bile Duct Cancer-An Analysis of 26 Cases
- 低場強磁共振胰膽管成像技術的臨床套用The Clinical Application of Low Field MR Cholangiopancreatography
- 磁共振胰膽管造影的臨床套用Clinical application of MR cholangiopancreatography
- 肝門部膽管梗阻的病因分析——附80例報告Etiological Analysis of Obstruction of Hilar Bile Duct: Report of 80 Cases
- 寄生在家畜和人的肝臟及膽管中的扁蟲。flatworm parasitic in liver and bile ducts of domestic animals and humans.
- 肝外膽管癌組織中Bcl-2的表達及意義Expression of Bel-2 in Extrahepatic Biliary Carcinoma