拼音:dǎng ní bǎn英文解釋:
dashboard; fender; mudguard; splash guard; splashboard【化】 flipper
安置在各種車輛上的攔擋泥土的裝置。 >>查看“擋泥板”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.wing 2.dirtboard 3.fendershield 4.fenderboard 5.catchframe 6.splashboard 7.dirtguardkey 8.mudapron 9.splasher 10.mudwing 11.mudshield 12.dashboard 13.fenderskirt 14.flipper 15.mudbaffle 16.antisplashguard中英例句:
- 布萊克先生看見那被撞壞的擋泥板吟就大吵大鬧起來,沒完沒了地責備其他司機。My Black raise heck when he saw the dented fender. He endlessly blamed the other drivers.
- 車輪蹭著了擋泥板。The wheel's rubbing on the mudguard.
- 汽車的擋泥板The fender of a motor vehicle.
- 只修了一下擋泥板上的一小塊凹痕,那傢伙敲了我一百元錢。The guy wanted a yard just to fix a little dent in the fender
- 一面很容易有凹痕的擋泥板A fender that dents easily
- 在英格蘭人們把擋泥板稱為wing。in England they call a fender a wing
- 彎了的釘子;前端褶皺了的汽車;凹陷的擋泥板。bent nails; a car with a crumpled front end; dented fenders