- 我們必須盡力使這個搗蛋的男孩變好。
We must do our best to make this troublesome boy good.
- 用兩個雞蛋的蛋白。
Use the whites of two eggs/two egg whites.
- 他獲勝的機會微乎其微,不過公雞或許也會下蛋的。
His chances of winning are extremely small, but pigs might fly.
- 這變質了的蛋的氣味令我作嘔。
The smell of the bad egg disgusts me.
- 教師反覆不斷地訓誨那幾名調皮搞蛋的男生,力圖使他們明白點事理。
The teacher tried to beat some sense into those few naughty boys.
- 他們確認他為一個調皮搗蛋的人。
They defined him as a rogue
- 那個搗蛋的人讓警方白白搜尋了一番。
The hoaxer had sent the police on a wild-goose chase.
- 準備孵蛋的家養母雞。
a domestic hen ready to brood.