字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>氮的的英文翻譯


拼音:dàn de


azotic; nitric; nitrogenous; nitrous
【機】 azotic


  1. 對降解焦化廢水中氨氮的研究
    Research on Degradation of the Ammonia cal Nitrogen in Coking Wastewater
  2. 腺嘌呤:在DNA和RNA中發現的含氮的鹼基(6-氨基嘌呤)。
    Adenine A nitrogenous base (6-amino-purine)found in DNA and RNA
  3. 氮的或與之相關的。
    of or relating to or containing nitrogen.
  4. 氮的AOP_s實驗研究及其反應機理探討
    Study of AOP_s for NH_3-N Wastewater
  5. 土壤中一氧化二氮的含量及其動態的研究
    Study on the Content of N_2O and Its Dynamics in Soils.
  6. 膜生物反應器去除焦化廢水中氨氮的試驗研究
    Research on Removal of Ammonia Nitrogen from Coking Wastewater by MBR
  7. 戊撐四唑,卡地阿佐戊四氮的一個商標名
    A trademark used for pentylenetetrazol
  8. 氮的包含一個氮基的,尤指N=N
    Containing a nitrogen group, especially N=N
