拼音:dà lǐ mào英文解釋:
stovepipe; top hat相關詞條:
- 高頂大禮帽現在已不多見。A top hat is a rare sight these days.
- 例如何時、何地大禮帽是禮節必需的等教導。instruction as to when and where a silk hat is de rigueur
- 例如何時、何地大禮帽是禮節必需的等教導。instruction as to when and where a silk hat is de rigueur.
- 海狸皮大禮帽最初用這種嚙齒類動物的內層絨毛製成的高帽A top hat originally made of the underfur of this rodent
- 如今沒有多少男人戴大禮帽了。No many men wear top hats these days.
- 高頂大禮帽現在已不多見。A top hat is a rare sight these days