字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大量金錢的英文翻譯


拼音:dà liáng jīn qián


【經】 mint of money


  1. 大量金錢花在昂貴的線上。
    A lot of money went into expensive threads.
  2. 大量金錢花在昂貴的線上。
    A lot of money went into expensive threads
  3. 每年都要花費大量金錢在廣告上。
    A large amount of money is spent on advertisements every year
  4. 城堡的修復花費了一年的時間和大量金錢
    The restoration to the castle took a year and cost a lot of money
  5. 每年都要花費大量金錢在菸草上。
    A high amount of money is spent on tobacco every year.
  6. 你花費大量金錢和時間,用好多年學習英文。
    You spend a lot of years and lot of money and time learning English.
  7. 大量金錢投資建房
    sink a lot of money in house-building
  8. 獲得大量金錢(尤指突然或意外地)
    Acquire a lot of money, esp suddenly or unexpectedly
