- "住嘴!" 他喊著, "衛兵!把她帶走。帶回888號監獄去。"
"Be quiet!" he said. "Guards! Take her away. Back to888."
- 我給你帶回來一件小禮物,雖然物微,但我希望你會喜歡。
I brought you back a small present. It's a mere nothing but I hope you like it.
- 獵人把獵物帶回營地。
The huntersbrought their kill back to camp.
- 我們去買點紀念品帶回去給你爸媽怎么樣?
Shall we go and collect some souvenirs to give your parents?
- 請幫助無家可歸的人吧。把我帶回你家。
Help the homeless. Take me home with you.
- 使節給我們帶回了戰爭的訊息。
The envoy bore back to us tidings of war.
- 你要把這帶回家嗎?
Would you like to take it home?
- 你願意的話,可以帶回去填寫。
You can take them home to fill out , if you like.