拼音:dà huà 英文解釋:
big talk; big words; bluster; boast; bragging; Munchausen; tall talk
浮誇而不切實際的言論說大話的人要倒大霉的 >>
查看“大話”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
vapouring 2.
vaporing 3.
bombast 4.
Texasbrag 中英例句:
- 他喜歡說大話。
He likes to talk big.
- 吹牛的誇誇其談的或說大話的
Given to ranting or bombast.
- 路易: ... 儘管你說了許?em>啻蠡埃閌擲鎦揮幸徽耪嬲耐跖疲薔褪嵌蠶擰?
Louis: ... With all you tall talk you've only one real trump in your hand, and that's intimidation.
- 可惜快樂永遠都是短暫的,換來的只是無窮無盡的痛苦和長嘆.<<大話西遊>>
But happiness is always a flash of time. We only have endless pain.
- “我也的確不敢說大話,”彬格萊小姐說。
"Nor I, I am sure," said Miss Bingley.
- 他說了許多大話。
He talked a lot of hot air.
- 氣勢洶洶的大話大聲的、傲慢的講話,經常充滿空洞的威脅
Loud, arrogant speech, often full of empty threats.
- 他喜歡講大話。
He tends to talk large.