字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大汗的英文翻譯


拼音:dà hàn


【醫】 hidrorrhea


  1. 比賽結束他已滿身大汗
    After the race, he was all of a muck of sweat.
  2. 我爬到頂上,嚇得滿身大汗
    I got up on the top, quite frightened, sweating like a pig
  3. 我們攀登了很長距離,已大汗淋漓了。
    The long climb made us sweat.
  4. 約翰尼在花園裡鋤草出了一身大汗
    Johnny worked up a sweat weeding the garden.
  5. 她一身大汗
    She was all of a sweat
  6. 我渾身滾燙, 大汗淋漓。
    I was boiling hot and sweaty.
  7. 我們搬動家具大費氣力,累得大汗淋漓。
    We were sweating profusely from the exertion of moving the furniture.
  8. 她一身大汗
    She was all of a sweat.
