字典網>> 漢英字典>> D開頭詞條>>大幹的英文翻譯 “大幹”的日文翻譯


拼音:dà gàn


work energetically


(1).大規模地去做。 茅盾 《子夜》五:“他們三個後台老闆在一星期內每人先繳付... >>查看“大幹”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 工兵們大幹起來把橋修好了。
    The engineers set to and repaired the bridge.
  2. 大幹世界中的五光十色的千姿百態被認為是理所當然的。
    The panorama of color and action fill the world is taken for granted.
  3. 主人!!我們今天又大幹一票了!
    Master!!We had another great haul today!
  4. 你到加拿大幹什麽去?
    What is your purpose in going to Canada
  5. 大幹一場
    go in for sth in a big way; go all out
  6. 現在是時候集中精力大幹一場了。
    It is time for him to roll up his sleeves and concentrate.
  7. 他力氣大幹勁足。
    He has a lot of muscle and mustard.
  8. 我們大家動手大幹起來,很快就把家務事做完了。
    We all set to and soon finished doing all the housework.
