拼音:dǎ duàn英文解釋:
break; break in; break in on; burst in; cut in on; cut into; cut shortinterrupt
【計】 break-in
(1) ∶使某一活動(語音、思緒、行動)中斷打斷談話打斷他說的話(2) ∶ 骨折... >>查看“打斷”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.tobreakinon 2.punctuate 3.interruption 4.throwagaffinto 5.burstinupon例句:
- 他打斷正在進行的討論,宣讀了一項通知。He interrupted the ongoing discussion and announced a notice.
- 孩子們,別打斷我的話。Don't interrupt me, children.
- 他的演說不時被暴風雨般的掌聲打斷。His speech was frequently interrupted by stormy applause.
- 他的辯論因被打斷而顯得不完整。The interruption fragmented his argument.
- 一位德國科學家打斷了我,並問我是否來自中國。A German scientist interrupted me and asked if I came from China.
- 打斷別人說話是不禮貌的。It is bad manners to interrupt.
- 請不要打斷我們的談話。Please don't break in on our conversation.