拼音:dà chī yī jīng 英文解釋:
jump out of one's skin; be astonished中文解釋:
使極為驚奇(含有不相信或出乎意料的成分)前幾天她對我說曾參觀過一次鬥牛,使我大吃... >>
查看“大吃一驚”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
getafright 2.
haveafright 3.
shocked 4.
struckwiththunder 5.
haveafit 6.
betakenaback 中英例句:
- 她的到來使我們大吃一驚。
We got a tremendous surprise when she arrived.
- 調查這些事情使我大吃一驚,我發現原來這完全是我的錯。
It was rather a shock to look into these matters and discover that the fault was solely mine.
- 我吃驚/驚訝/驚奇/大吃一驚/震驚地知道她才八歲。
I was surprised/astonished/amazed/astounded/shocked to know what she's only8.
- 我並不是大驚小怪的人,但那本書淫穢之甚確實讓我大吃一驚。
I'm not easily shocked, but that book really is obscene.
- 我又見到了她,真讓我大吃一驚。
The shock of seeing her again made me nearly jump out of my skin.