拼音:dǎ bài 英文解釋:
beat; defeat; get the better of; overrule; vanquish; whop中文解釋:
(1) ∶戰勝對方戰鬥中打敗敵人(2) ∶失敗,被對方戰勝這一仗我們打敗了 >>
查看“打敗”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
havethebetterof 2.
overmatch 3.
outrival 4.
beat(ing) 5.
outfight 6.
overpower 7.
outsmart 8.
outplay 9.
vanquish 10.
beating 11.
getthebetterof 12.
bitetheground 13.
defeat 14.
polishoff 15.
zap 16.
thrash 中英例句:
- 他們打敗並趕走了敵人。
They routed the enemy.
- 讓聯賽中最差勁的隊打敗了?這是永遠也忘不了的事!
Beaten by the worst team in the league? They'll never live it down!
- 南部邦聯被北方打敗了。
The Confederacy was defeated by the northern states.
- 因為他性格的軟弱,我們最終被打敗了。
Because of his irresolute character, we were defeated at last.
- 他們曾向世界上最強的球隊挑戰並將他們打敗。
They had challenged and beaten the best team in the world.