拼音:cuò zhé英文解釋:
frustration; setback; throwback【醫】 frustration
【經】 frustration
(1) ∶壓制,阻礙,使削弱或停頓(2) ∶遭到失敗這個…主張進化... >>查看“挫折”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.throwback 2.discouragement 3.rebuff 4.discomfiture 5.lurch 6.shatter 7.offense 8.shipwreck 9.bloomer 10.frustration 11.backset 12.abortion 13.breakdown 14.checkmate 15.disconcertment漢語造句:
- 我們(在財務上)受到一些嚴重挫折。We suffered some serious (financial) reverses.
- 她儘管遇到許多挫折,卻仍然不氣餒。Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up.
- 我受盡挫折,怒火衝天時,禁不住想找誰發一頓脾氣。When I get frustrated and angry, I have to vent my spleen on someone.
- 儘管遇到很多挫折,他仍堅持做實驗。He persisted in carrying on the experiment in spite of all kinds of setbacks.
- 這些經濟上的挫折使我不能去度假了。These financial reverses will prevent my taking a holiday.