拼音:cuò jué英文解釋:
delusion; illusion; misconception; wrong impression【醫】 fallacy; illusion
對客觀事物的不正確的感覺水平線引起一種錯覺,使物體看起來不在它實際所處的位置上 >>查看“錯覺”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.illusiveness 2.opticalillusion 3.phantom 4.trickoftheimagination 5.delusion 6.perceptualillusion漢語造句:
- 是我的錯覺呢,還是你真的瘦了許多?Is it my imagination or have you lost a lot of weight?
- 路面在烈日之下像是濕的,然而這僅僅是錯覺。In the hot sun the surface of the road seems wet, but that is only an illusion.
- 他有個錯覺,以為自己是個好演員。He labours under the delusion that he's a fine actor.
- 海市蜃樓是一種視錯覺。A mirage is an optical illusion.
- 你是那麽想的嗎?純粹是錯覺!You think that, do you? Pure illusion!