字典網>> 漢英字典>> C開頭詞條>>村落的英文翻譯 “村落”的日文翻譯


拼音:cūn luò


village; dorp; hamlet


村莊 >>查看“村落”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 破敗的村落
    a shabby village
  2. 哥薩克村落上遺址
    the site of a Cossack village
  3. 俯視下面村落的山
    A mountain commanding the valley below
  4. 露絲和維拉去海濱度假用勝地,那是臨海的一個美麗村落
    Ruth and Vera went to a summer resort, a beautiful village near the sea
  5. 建於樁上的房屋(尤指建於湖濱者);這種建築多見於史前的村落中。
    built on piles in or near a lake; specifically in prehistoric villages
  6. 頭人,村長一個原始小村莊或村落的首領或酋長
    The leader or the chief man of a small, primitive village or community.
  7. 頭人,村長一個原始小村莊或村落的首領或酋長
    The leader or the chief man of a small, primitive village or community
  8. 郊外的村落
    a suburban village
