拼音:cún kuǎn英文解釋:
deposit; fund; saving【經】 deposit; money deposited
把錢存在銀行、信用合作社裡;也指存入銀行、信用合作社裡的錢 >>查看“存款”在國語詞典中的解釋相關詞條:
1.deposit 2.saving 3.depositedsum 4.depositmoney 5.depot 6.pay-in 7.millionaire 8.fund 9.todeposit例句:
- 我在交通銀行存款。I bank with Bank of Communications.
- 我想要開個定期存款帳戶。I think I'd like a deposit account.
- 她把全部存款取出後離開了那個國家。She withdrew all her savings and left the country.
- 醫療費已用掉了他一大筆存款。The hospital bills made a big hole in his savings.
- 他在銀行有大筆存款。He has a large deposit in the bank.