拼音:cū liè de 英文解釋:
cheap; cut-rate; incondite; of poor quality; shoddy相關詞條:
hackly 2.
incondite 3.
poor 4.
cut-rate 5.
awkward 6.
coarse 7.
coarseness 例句:
- 我已習慣於粗劣的食物。
I am used to bad food.
- 任何粗劣的或是瘦弱的都是不受歡迎的。
Any tendency to coarseness or weediness is undesirable.
- 他已經習慣於工廠中辛苦的工作與粗劣的食物了。
He was accustomed to the hard work and poor food in the factory.
- 無價值的文藝作品粗劣的或令人不快的文學或藝術作品
Inferior or offensive literary or artistic material.
- 粗劣的贗品
a cheap imitation
- 這可憐的小孩不久就習慣於辛苦的工作和粗劣的食物。
The poor boy soon got accustomed to hardwork and bad food.