拼音:cū huà 英文解釋:
vulgar language; vulgarity中文解釋:
粗俗下流的話 >>
查看“粗話”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
language 2.
warmlanguage 3.
foullanguage 4.
coarsewords 5.
ordure 6.
ruderemark 漢語造句:
- 我不屑回答他的粗話。
I disdained to answer his rude remarks.
- 他們對她的粗話不予理會。
They chose to pass over her rude remarks.
- 使湯姆十分驚訝的是,社會地位很高的、有時還是貴族社會和上流社會的貴婦們,怎么會自貶身價,用下流粗話來發泄感情。
It was greatly surprising to Tom that ladies of standing in society, often of rank and fashion, should condescend to utter sentiments couched in the language of the fish market.
- 節目中的暴力場面和難聽的粗話使許多觀眾感到震驚。
The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers.