拼音:cū de英文解釋:
【醫】 coarse; sross例句:
- 再粗的繩子也經不住總磨。Constant rubbing will fray even the thickest rope.
- 注意:儘量用加粗的電纜,因為安培數有19倍之高。Attention: use thicker cable as amperage is 19-times(19x) higher.
- 幾種甲蟲和一些其它昆蟲的軟而粗的蠕蟲樣昆蟲。a soft thick wormlike larva of certain beetles and other insects.
- 病豬在粉紅色的豬圈撿到一支又大又粗的筆。A sick pig picked a big, thick pen in the pink pigpen
- 鐓粗的部分或零件An upset part or piece.
- 未經刨削的木材經過修整,未刨削的一段長而粗的木料A long, thick section of trimmed, unhewn timber