拼音:cí yuán 英文解釋:
etymology; the origin of a word中文解釋:
語言成為(如一個詞或詞素)的歷史、來源(常包括其史前史),從該語言成分在語言中最... >>
查看“詞源”在國語詞典中的解釋 相關詞條:
etyma 中英例句:
- 同源詞詞源相同但是傳播途徑不同的一對詞中的一個,如skirt來自斯堪的納維亞語和shirt來自英文
One of two words derived from the same historical source by different routes of transmission, such as skirt from Scandinavian and shirt from English.
- “kindergarten”這個英文單詞源於德文。
The English word "kindergarten" derives from German.
- 英文中有成千上萬的詞源自拉丁文。
Thousands of English words derive from Latin.
- 研究詞源,闡述詞源給出或提示一個詞的詞源
To give or suggest the etymology of a word.
- 《詞源》
Source of Ci-Poetry
- 此詞源於荷蘭語“主人”一詞。
It derives from the Dutch for master.
- 詞源學的屬於,關於詞源學的或根據詞源學原則的
Of or relating to etymology or based on the principles of etymology.
- 屬於詞源學的或根據詞源學的。
based on or belonging to etymology.