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拼音:cǐ jiān




此地此間已有傳聞 >>查看“此間”在國語詞典中的解釋


  1. 此間大多數經濟學家說,加利福尼亞的經濟衰退尚未度過難關。預計經濟復甦最早將在1995年,在以前可能惡化。
    Most economists here say that California's economic slump has not bottomed out and that it may grow worse before the earliest projected recovery in1995.
  2. 日本與東亞國家的貿易和投資關係大力推進,速度超過與世界其他地區。但是對於允許其他亞洲人在此間(日本)居留問題則持保留甚至,敵對態度。
    Japan's trade and investment ties with East Asian nations are bounding ahead faster than those with other parts of the world, yet is has been standoffish, or even hostile, to permitting other Asians to live here.
  3. 現已年邁的前歌劇大師魯道夫·賓爵士和他太太,為他們曠日費時的婚姻官司,昨天自倫敦飛抵此間出庭。
    Aging ex-opera czar Sir Rudolf Bing and his wife flew here from London yesterday to face the music in a long-running legal battle over their marriage.
  4. "幾年以前,你可以看出誰是城裡最有權勢的人,因為他的路會修得整整齊齊," 此?/em>湟晃懷鞘泄婊纖呔值幕⑾壬怠?"現在風水輪流轉,最有勢力的人住在泥土路上。"
    "Years ago, you could tell who the most politically powerful person in town was because his road would be paved, " said Ray Keating, a member if the zoning board of appeals here. "Now it's(=it has) come full circle, and the most powerful live on the dirt roads."
