拼音:cì jī英文解釋:
motivate; stimulate; activate; excite; incite; provocate; excitationmotivation; excitement; provocation; stimulation
【醫】 chafe; chafing; excitation; irritate; irritation; paratrimma
paratripsis; stimulate; stimulation; stimuli; stimulus; suscitate
(1) ∶外界事物作用於生物體,使事物起積極變化刺激生產刺激神經(2) ∶使精神... >>查看“刺激”在國語詞典中的解釋相關對話:
- 一種由氮和氫合成的刺激性氣體。a pungent gas compounded of nitrogen and hydrogen.
- 發光二極體刺激器引起的圖形視誘發電位的臨床套用Clinical application of LED pattern visual evoked po-tential.
- 講怪話的會有,但可以刺激大家努力向上。There will be some complaints, but this can encourage people to advance.
- 受愉快的刺激影響To be affected with pleasurable excitement.
- 既刺激又有意思的報導a stimulating and highly readable account
- 用或好象用毒品進行刺激To stimulate with or as if with a narcotic.
- 朗讀這個劇本,效果象電刺激一樣Gave an electric reading of the play.
- 刺激小刺激或激勵;小刺激A slight goad or incentive; a small stimulus