拼音:cì gāo yīn英文解釋:
- 次高音黑管或者長笛。alto clarinet or recorder.
- (指樂器)介於次高音和中音(或者低音)之間。(of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass
- 次高音;女中音音域在高音與低音中間的嗓音A voice having a range between soprano and contralto
- (指樂器)介於次高音和中音(或者低音)之間。(of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass.
- 次高音部要求用處於這一音域的嗓音演唱的聲部A vocal part calling for a voice having such a range
- 一種次高音雙簧管;英國管的先驅。an alto oboe; precursor of the English horn.