拼音:chǔ cháng英文解釋:
section chief【經】 division head
1.directorgeneral 2.commissioner漢語造句:
- 鑒於所犯下的種種罪行,他理應判處長期監禁。He deserved long imprisonment for his many misdeeds.
- 從倒下的死樹處長出了新的樹幹。There is a new trunk growing out of the fallen dead tree.
- 凹地樹木成林, 但高處長滿青草。The hollow was full of trees but the higher ground was covered with grass.
- 從倒下的死樹處長出了新的樹幹。There is a new trunk growing out of the fallen dead tree
- 劉處長、韋校長、各位嘉賓、各位結業學員:Director, Commandant, Ladies and Gentlemen, Officers on Parade,